I need some serious information on this... For the last few months, I've been noticing very unusual things happening around me and I'm really struggling with them. Whenever I'm out in the open or on the roof mostly from late afternoon till morning hours, I start to feel pressure in my ears, pocking needle sensation in the eyes or sometimes white flashes along with a very unusual kind of a headache. I also get short of breath sometimes and a feeling of tiredness even without moving any muscle and above all, the water doesn't taste normal.
So the question is, are these symptoms related to the signal radiation or am I really sick???😆
Supposedly, let's say it indeed is related to the high signal radiation, then what should be the first line of defense to protect ourselves, kids and families???
I would like to get some genuine information on this because I think this is a very serious issue and it concerns everybody. So, anybody carrying some useful information on this, please share it with everybody along with expert views... like all the do's and dont's...